Xu Liyan
AIA Financial Services Consultant
9271 1283
我是两个孩子的母亲,在加入AIA 之前,做了7年儿科医生,两年补习老师。2015年8月,我正式加入AIA 成为理财咨询师。这份职业可以说是之前两份职业的综合:传递理财知识,诊断财务风险,开出风险防范处方。同时,在顾客需要时,及时协助做好理赔等服务。 我的任务是让家庭和个人财务得到保护,规避风险,以使医疗无忧,教育无忧,养老无忧。

My Career Journey
I am a mother of two. Before joining AIA, I was working as a pediatrician for 7 years and a tutor for 2 years. In August 2015, I officially joined AIA as a financial services consultant. This occupation can be said to be a unification of the previous two occupations: transferring financial knowledge, diagnosing financial risks, and prescribing risk prevention prescription. At the same time, when the customer needs it, I will promptly assist in the settlement of claims and other services.
My task is to protect my customers’ family and personal finances and to avoid risks, so that they do not need to worry about medical costs, education expenses and their retirement.
加入AIA友邦新加坡的原因 |
Why I am with AIA and Builders Financial
Physical health and financial health are two important events in life. When I realised the importance of financial security, I chose to be a financial services consultant to help more people do financial security planning, to have a peaceful and happy life. The people-oriented concept of AIA Singapore has attracted me, and the Builders team is a warm family. The team’s pursuit of professionalism and sincere service spirit is the best reason for me to join!

Achievements and Professional Development
IBF Advanced (Level 3) (2024)
Certified Affluent Wealth Adviser Level 1 (2022)
AIA Personal Wealth Manager (2022)
Chartered Financial Consultant®/S since 2019
Associate KASHGROWTH Professional AKP ™ (2019)
AIA Authorised Representative since 2015
Awards and Recognitions
AIA Prestige Club (HNW & Affluent) (2022)
AIA Million Dollar Club (2020)

这几年在立彦的推荐下又买了几单保险,在这之前我们已经有6-7年没有买新的保险了,不是我们讨厌保险 而是以前有太多不好的经历…自和立彦认识到接受她推荐的保单也是有近两年的时间,我们发现了她的不同,专业 耐心 热情 有礼 有度…她不会强求我们做决定,留足够的空间让我们去想去决定,更重要的是她对她的公司 工作 事业非常热爱和执着,让我们放心她不会跳槽更不会离开保险行业,也让我们安心我们和她买的保单在未来一样会有很好很及时的优质服务。感谢立彦!
Director, JVA Venture P/L
Since mid-2017, Li Yan has been providing me valuable advice on critical illness related insurances and making sure I am well covered for potential risks. Understanding my financial conditions, she has also persuaded me in procuring pension related product which I like a lot.
Besides being equipped with thorough knowledge on AIA product portfolio, Liyan works hard in keeping her clients’ information up to date. Having moving in and out of Singapore in last few years, I have experienced that with her a lot. Thanks Liyan for your dedication.
Lin Xiaochun
Procurement director

Liyan is a very professional and considerate financial services consultant as well as a good friend of us now.
As a professional financial services consultant, Liyan knows the insurance products very well. Every customer has a different situation, no insurance plan applies for all customers. For our family, we were foreigners in Singapore at the beginning and then became PR, so we have some special requirements about our insurance protection. She can always proposes several customised and tailored plans for us.
Liyan is considerate. We knew nothing about insurance when we just moved to Singapore, she explained about the insurance concepts, plans and products very patiently. As we do not have an insurance background, we have a lot of questions about the products. She can always answer in time, explains them in a way we can understand.
When we were still foreigners, once we had been to A&E and we did not know how to claim the expenses. Liyan came down to the hospital directly and guided us to prepare files needed. She always keeps us updated on AIA promotions and activities. Recently during COVID-19 period, we received heart-warming gifts from her.
Liyan is a competent financial services consultant. We highly recommend her to our friends.
Shen Jun
IT Security Analyst
수년 전부터 건강과 미래를 대비하고자 보험에 관심을 두게 되었습니다.
다른 보험사와 비교하고 담당자들의 고객 대응에 대해서도 관심을 두고 진행을 했었습니다. 그러던 중 리얀씨로부터 보험에 대한 다양한 안내와 가입에 대한 제안을 받았습니다.
가입 이후 전문가의 관점에서 최적의 제안을 해 주었으며, 가족같은 따뜻한 마음으로 고객들을 도와주는 모습때문에 더 신뢰감을 쌓을 수 있었습니다. 지금까지 그녀의 고객으로 굉장히 만족하고 있으며, 신뢰의 깊이는 더 깊어만 갑니다.
감사의 말씀드리며, 앞으로도 더 많은 도움 기대합니다.
与其他保险公司相比,我对代表的客户反应很感兴趣。 在此期间,我收到了来自立彦的各种保险信息和保障建议。
经过讨论分析,立彦从专家的角度提供了最合理的建议,并且给予我们像家人一样的热情帮助,我们之间建立起更多的信任。 到目前为止,我对她的服务非常满意,信任的深度也越来越深。
Vincent Hong

Thank you LiYan, appreciate your professionalism and prompt attention to my requests. It is great to have such a pleasant and knowledgeable financial services consultant. When you need help or have questions, she is available and always follows through. Thanks again for your enthusiasm an expertise. I highly recommend LiYan for any insurance policy you may need.
Cheng Honghang
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Our Team
Sandra Phua Siang Kiang
9816 6143
AIA Senior Financial Services Consultant
AIA Employee Benefits Specialist

May Lim Jin Yng
Agency Support Executive